مطالعات جدید پزشکی
شنبه 8 شهريور 1399برچسب:, :: 12:36 :: نويسنده : دکتر امین عطایی The drugs chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine(HCQ), a less toxic derivative of QC, are used to treat malariaand autoimmune conditions. They now have been proposedto have antiviral activity against severe acute respiratory syn-drome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is responsiblefor the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.Recentin vitrostudies and a small nonrandomized clinicaltrial of 36 patients from France3had promising results andinitiated the trend of using CQ/HCQ to treat COVID-19.However, the integrity of the nonrandomized clinical trialhas been questioned by the International Society of Antimi-crobial Chemotherapy for the trial’s unclear inclusion criteriaand triage of patients. Although a subsequent smallerrandomized clinical trial of 30 patients showed little to noeffect,5a larger randomized clinical trial of 62 patientsshowed that HCQ significantly reduced the incidence andduration of COVID-19 pneumonia. These studies do nothave sufficient statistical power to unequivocally prove thepositive effects of HCQ on COVID-19. Nevertheless, the ur-gency of the pandemic has resulted in the United StatesFood and Drug Administration (FDA) issuing an emergencyuse authorization for CQ/HCQ as treatment of COVID-19, anaction that has been criticized by former FDA leaders; and (2)a call by the World Health Organization (WHO) for rapid,large, global CQ/HCQ clinical trials .Although CQ and HCQ have become the focus as treat-ment of COVID-19, they remain unendorsed by many physi-cians because of limited clinical outcome data; availability of other potentially more effective antiviral andinterleukin inhibitors, such as remdesivir and tocilizumab,respectively; and potential risk of malignant arrhythmiaand sudden cardiac death (SCD) due to QT prolongation In response to the trend of using CQ/HCQ for treatment ofCOVID-19, the Mayo Clinic,9the Heart Rhythm Society نظرات شما عزیزان:
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